
Omara Cycles has matured to become of one Melbourne’s cycling institutions. What sets this bike business apart is its warm, friendly atmosphere – a place to swing by for a chat, with people keen to talk about new products, upcoming rides and the who’s who of cycling.
Since 1998 when Jae took back O’Mara Cycles it has been located at 265 Charman Road. In November 2012 a dream of Jae’s to have the store situated along the busy cyclist mecca of beach road was fulfilled. Adding a cyclist friendly bustling cafe to delight anyone’s taste buds, the new store has kept the warmness and customer service of local trader that values honesty, integrity and good old-fashioned service. It’s the kind of “soul” that’s often missing in superstores and retail chains. If you’ve had a bad experience at one of those shops, Omara Cycles is here to restore your faith in business that cares.
When we offer advice, it’s based on experience, not what we’ve read in a brochure. Because when you make your living from something you’re passionate about, work becomes a pleasure. The number one Trek Project One dealers in Australasia for the past few years, we love what we do.
Omara Cycles has been in the game for more than 70 years – and still enjoying the ride. 
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